Antonio Manzalini

Telecom Italia (TIM)
Antonio Manzalini received the M. Sc. Degree in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico of Turin (Italy) and the PhD (cum Laude) from Sorbonne Universités (France). In 1990 he joined Telecom Italia (formerly CSELT) where he was involved in innovation activities on technologies and architectures for optical networks. He actively participated in standardization, mainly in ETSI and ITU-T, and he was involved in several EURESCOM and European Project playing responsibility roles. He was Chair of the IEEE initiative on Software Defined Networks (SDN), and he was General Chair of the several IEEE Conferences. He owns several patents on methods and systems for networks and services. His results were published in more than 130 of technical papers and publications. Currently, he is working in TIM (Telecom Italia) Innovation, addressing Cloud-Edge Computing, Beyond-5G Networks and Quantum Communications and Computing. He is currently Chair in GSMA of a group on Quantum Networking and Services.
Antonio Manzalini will bring experiences/skills on: 1) functional and systems architectures of QKD networks integrated with telecom optical networks; 2) management, control and orchestration of QKD systems and systems; 3) networking aspects of QKD networks (beyond point-to-point) evolving towards the Quantum-ready networks and the Quantum Internet; 4) Quantum services (e.g., cybersecurity, distributed quantum computing, etc). Antonio Manzalini is Chair of the GSMA group on Quantum Technologies and Services and he is Project Coordinator of the EQUO project, funded by EC in the DEP programme for Euro-QCI