Chigo Okonkwo

Eindhoven University of Technology
Dr Chigo Okonkwo currently leads the research track on High-Capacity Optical Transmission at Eindhoven University of Technology. He is a founding member of the Center for Quantum Materials and Technology (QT/e) at TU/e working on a multi-disciplinary approach to Quantum communications and cyber-security. Dr Okonkwo has published over 250 papers in major optical communication journals and conferences. He has been awarded a number of positions of trust; TPC chair for subcommittee on digital signal handling for ECOC 2018 and ECOC 2020 and TPC member for OFC 2020. Dr Okonkwo has graduated 10 PhD students, is currently the main supervisor of 5 PhD students, 1 visiting PhD student and 4 Senior Researcher. He will coordinate this project leading DR1 and DR2, he will also host a number of secondments DR7, DR8, DR9 and DR11.