Saverio Francesconi

Quantum Telecommunications Italy
I got my bachelor degree in Physics in 2014 at the University of Bologna and my master degree in 2017 in Physics of Matter at the University of Florence. In 2017 I started a PhD in the Marie Curie COFOUND program at Université Paris Diderot, with a focus on integrated photonics for quantum optics experiments. In particular, I developed photon pairs sources in AlGaAs waveguides and I used them to generate entangled states of light in different degrees of freedom (e.g. frequency or polarization). In 2021, after defending the PhD, I moved to Florence at CNR for a one-year postdoc. There, I worked at the realization of a new free-space optical setup for heterodyne detection of non-classical state of light. From 2022, I have worked in QTI in Florence, where I develop the optical (mainly) and electronical parts of quantum key distribution systems. In addition, I coordinate the development of integrated optical devices for QKD.